Group or Club NameContactAbout
ArtWeeksVia Loraine Daniels at Bella Luce in the first instance.Open Studio and pop up exhibition event, taking place in May every year. Practising Artists – amateur or professional.
Chiltern Rifle Club

membership.crc@gmail.comAs we are a “Home office registered club”, if you are interested, please visit our web site, download membership forms, fill them in and send to email address shown. Once received we can arrange a non shooting visit.
Our website is here.
Circle DancingValerie Johnson
01491 638 715
We are a friendly group of women who have discovered a love of dancing! No partners are necessary as we dance mainly in a circle. Dances are extremely varied and include both modern and traditional music from countries all round the world.

Beginners are most welcome! All dances are demonstrated and walked through and there are never mistakes, only “variations”, which are great fun!
First Steps Family provide services for families and babies and children under 5 with play and education facilities, parental and carer support and provision for Health Visiting staff and liaison with local nurseries and schools both in Chalgrove and Watlington every morning.
First Sunday VolunteersJenny Wilkinson – 01491 613726We are an informal group of people of all ages who care about Watlington. Some of us who like working in a friendly group and meeting others, meet at 11 am on the First Sunday of the month at our War Memorial. Others work around their houses as suits them.
Friends of Watlington Hillkeithc.jackson@btinternet.comFresh air and exercise outdoors with a feeling of fulfilment achieving something worthwhile helping to conserve the special habitat of Watlington Hill.
Friends of Watlington Library (FOWL)
Registered Charity No 1072468

friendsofwatlingtonlibrary@gmail.comWe support Watlington community library by contributing financially to annual staffing costs and providing volunteers to assist in the library. We provide extra resources such as new books and equipment to enhance our library. We promote library use by running a dynamic Family Activities programme including regular Storytime, Rhymetime and Lego club sessions – and we subsidise children’s events such as theatre groups. We showcase local artists on our Exhibition boards and promote the library as a valuable community space.
Our website is here.
Girlguiding WatlingtonPlease make an enquiry through the volunteer or register a child buttons on the Girlguiding website homepage.We help all girls know they can do anything. Our activities are varied with an emphasis on encouraging self sufficient, confident young women. We cover many activities from craft to fashion, camping to canoeing, outdoors and indoors. Seeing your inner-self to seeing the world. 10 million members worldwide can’t be wrong.
Our website is here.
Icknield Community College

office.4082@icknield.oxon.sch.ukAt Icknield Community College, our vision is simple. We aim for our students to achieve their potential in a truly excellent school that is the first choice for all members of our community. Integrity, care and commitment – values which echo the initial letters of our school’s name – underpin everything that we do. These three powerful ideas shape how we build and nurture relationships, how we kindle the spark of students’ enthusiasm, and how we establish and maintain the highest expectations for what our learners can accomplish.
Our website is here.
Rainbow Corner Day Nursery

Debbie Hemmins 01491 613923
Care and education provided for children aged 0-5 years with a good Ofsted inspection.
Ridgeway u3aPlease use the form on the Contact page of our website here.Speaker meetings at St Leonard’s Church at 2.30pm on the third Tuesday of every month.
Various interest groups meet on a regular basis under the Ridgeway u3a umbrella eg Local History, Art, Books, Bridge, Knitting & Crochet, Writing, Luncheon + special ad-hoc events and outings – Learn, laugh, live.
Royal British Legion Watlington

The secretary – tessa.mogg@btinternet.comWe run events to raise funds for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. The Parish Council, assisted by the RBL Branch Committee, organize the parade and wreath laying by members of the community at The Cross on Remembrance Sunday each year. If you would like to take part in the Parade, please contact the Secretary.
St Leonard’s bell church bells date from 1587 to 1905 and ringing has a long history in Watlington. The ringers are always ready to welcome newcomers, with free tuition provided. More details on our website at
St Leonard’s Church.rectoricknield@gmail.comWe are a lively Church, here to serve the needs of our community. We have Sunday worship, Online Bible Study with a Zoom link available, Silent Prayer, Lunchtime Communion, Community Choir, U3A, Watlington Environment Group, Regular monthly music events and Champing (camping in Church) – contact The church is also available for hire for events.
Our website is here.
Waste Not Want Not WatlingtonThrough Facebook Direct MessagesLibrary of stuff. Anyone wishing to re-use items or offer items for re-use. Also offers to lend or requests to borrow items. Nothing for resale
Watlington Allotmentswattyallotments@gmail.comAllotment plots in Watlington, please contact us if you would like to join the waiting list.
Watlington and Chalgrove Patient Participation Group

Patient Group
watchalppg@btinternet.comPPGs were introduced some years ago with the intention of giving patients a voice in the delivery of health services from their GP.

Ideally, every GP Practice should have a PPG which is a group of patients who meet regularly with Practice staff to discuss the services that the Practice offers, and how they could be improved to ensure that the patient experience is as good as it could be and that the health of the local community is improved.
Our website is here.
Watlington & District Age ConcernDoreen Hobbs – 01491 612209A cafe for people to meet for a drink and a chat. Everyone is welcome. A chiropodist is available twice monthly.
Watlington artsHUB

artsHUB logo
watlingtonartshub@gmail.comWatlington artsHUB is a non-profit membership-based community organisation which offers affordable art workshops, art-related talks & events, biannual art exhibitions and runs community art projects.
Our website is here.
Watlington Concert Band

Watlington Band
Sarah Pullen – Secretary 0797 004 1523We are a friendly concert band who enjoy performing music regularly throughout Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire, and occasionally further afield. If you would like to learn more about us, become a member or book our services, please contact us.
Our website is here.
Watlington Business Associationinfo@watlingtonba.comA unifying group that speaks for the various business whether retail or other. Keeping them informed of issues that may affect them and feeding back to the relevant stakeholders as to the Events and discussions that may affect them.
Our website is here.
Watlington Chess Club

Chess Club Chess Club is the friendliest chess club in Oxfordshire. We meet for social chess evenings on Thursday evenings between 7-10pm at West Room, Old School Place, Watlington, Oxfordshire, OX49 5QH. We sometimes have dogs in attendance and will go to the Chequers pub afterwards on most weeks. Aside from social chess our club enters a team in the Oxfordshire league and our members sometimes go to local tournaments. There is a place for you at Watlington chess club if you are looking for a casual social club or if you want to play more competitively! You are welcome to drop in for a free taster session any week but please message us through our facebook page at: if you are interested!
Watlington Climate Action

WCA logo
watlingtonclimateaction@gmail.comWe meet once a month, usually the 3rd Monday but this can vary so please check on our facebook group or in the Watlington Times for the latest details. We usually meet at the Spire & Spoke at 8 pm but this does vary and is subject to change. Anyone with an interest in tackling the climate and ecological emergency is welcome!
Watlington Watlington Club is a charity providing sports, recreation and social facilities for Watlington and surrounding areas. Everyone’s welcome. We have the ideal balance of fitness and fun for both individuals and families. Facilities include 3 all-weather tennis courts, 2 recently renovated full sized squash courts and a first-class bowling green.
Our website is here.
Watlington Cricket Club

Cricket Club
watlingtoncricketclub@gmail.comWatlington Cricket Club welcomes players of all backgrounds, ages, and skill levels. We believe cricket is for everyone and work to create a supportive, respectful environment. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just picking up a bat for the first time, you’ll find opportunities to play, learn, and grow as part of our club.
Our website is here
Watlington Environment hold a programme of walks, talks and visits covering a wide range of environmental and natural history subjects, offer occasional courses and training workshops, and encourage the general sharing of knowledge amongst members and the wider public. We carry out practical conservation work in the Parish – in particular at Watlington Chalk Pits Local Nature Reserve, which we manage on behalf of Watlington Parish Council; and to safeguard our local chalk streams and other watercourses. We circulate a full-colour newsletter to members, and encourage the recording of local wildlife sightings.
Our website is here.
Watlington Gardening Watlington Gardening Club holds 9 meetings a year at the Sports Pavilion with an invited speaker talking on a garden themed topic. Each year it arranges several private visits to gardens that are not normally open to the public and holds two socials, the summer one is in a member’s garden.
Our website is here.
Watlington In Bloom

terry.jackson1958@outlook.comJoin us to help make Watlington Beautiful and Environmentally Friendly.
Our webpage is here.
Watlington Primary School PTAwatlingtonoxonPTA@gmail.comAs the primary school PTA we are a collective of parents who raise funds through school based events to support the school as well as students and families.
Our website is here.
Watlington Support Fund

Watlington support fund
Via our clerk at or by phone 01491 613366 or The Parish Office.We are a local charity supporting residents of the parish of Watlington (Oxon) suffering from financial hardship, sickness or disability.
Watlington Tennis Club

Tennis Club Tennis Club has 3 all-weather tennis courts in the heart of the town, and welcomes new members of all abilities to be part of our friendly and welcoming club.
Watlington Times

Watlington Times are a monthly magazine which is sold, for a small price, in the Coop, the Library and the Watlington Cafe. We publish anything of interest, articles, letters, news of events from local organisations, clubs and schools. We also welcome Adverts. Our main function is to communicate and inform. We have a ‘Useful Information’ page and a Diary of Events.
Watlington Town Football Clubwatlingtontownfootball@gmail.comCommunity-focused club offering a welcoming and friendly environment, where all ages and abilities can enjoy playing or watching football.
Our website is here.
Watlington Town HallThe Parish Office
01491 613867
Watlington Town Hall is a beautiful, historic listed building dating back to 1664 and situated in the very heart of our small town. You can rent the light-filled hall upstairs or the ground level Undercroft. We also arrange a variety of events. If you would like to become a Trustee or are able to offer help to support our events please let us know.
Watlington Volunteer Drivers07765 154120WVD provide transport to and from hospitals, doctors, opticians, dentists and clinics, for people who have no or limited transport.
Watlington Wednesday WalkersWe post on Watlington Town Noticeboard every week on Facebook – please PM (private message) using Facebook for any questions.Free walking group. You are welcome to join with or without dogs for an approx 5 km or 1 hour walk and back for coffee and cake at the cafe. Lovely friendly group of locals that love to get out.
Watlington Wheels ProjectFacebook Page or
Watlington Wheels Project is a registered charity that supports free wheeled sports facilities for skateboarding, BMX, rollerblading and scooters in Watlington.

Our volunteers have worked for over 10 years to maintain the upkeep of the Skatepark at the Watlington Recreation Ground and we really hope you enjoy riding it with us.
Watlington Women’s Institute

Jenna11@sky.comJoin a friendly group of women involved in local activities; enjoy a variety of good speakers at meetings and attend County and National functions run by the largest women’s organisation in the UK.

As a group we join in lots of events in Watlington. The Christmas Fair, Flower Festival as well as celebrating National Events, the Coronation, D-Day anniversary etc. We have trips out during the year, local gardens, boat trip on the Thames, garden centres and picnics with lots of tea and cakes.

Groups and clubs from other areas that actively support Watlington:

Group or Club NameContactAbout
Tai Chi in Watlington07971 261696
Performed in the most pleasurable, relaxed and effortless way possible, avoiding stress and strain, tai chi is of extraordinary benefit to body and mind. The exercises improve flexibility, balance, mobility, posture, muscle strength, bone density, blood circulation, lung functioning, and much more besides. It is a meditation in movement, calming and strengthening the mind, the perfect antidote to anxiety and stress. Abingdon and Witney College Adult Learning Service.
Thame & Wheatley Ramblers

Via website contact page:

website here.
The group arranges several walks every month ranging from the short (no more than 2½ miles) leisurely social walk on the second Tuesday of every month to hilly walks of over 10 miles. It also arranges social events, Away-days and an annual walking holiday. It has an active Path Maintenance Team who repair broken stiles and gates as well as clearing overgrown paths with brushcutters.